Fullstack Hub

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In this short series of article, I would explain the step by step application development using MEAN stack (Angular 4) with User Authentication using Auth0 and Authorize our RESTful APIs request through JWT (JASON Web Token). We will develop our application in the Visual Studio Code editor.

I wrote original article series on Code Project last year, following is the article summary and link you can read on code project:

MEAN Stack with Angular 4, Auth0 Auth & JWT Authorization – Part 1

In this short series of article, I would explain the step by step application development using MEAN stack (with Angular 4) by developing our favorite User Management application. Later on, we would add the User Authentication using Auth0 and Authorize our RESTful APIs request through JWT (JASON Web Token). We will develop our application in the Visual Studio Code editor. 

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MEAN Stack with Angular 4, Auth0 Auth & JWT Authorization – Part 2

This article is the second part of MEAN Stack with Angular 4, Auth0 Auth & JWT Authorization – Part 1 article, so please read it before starting this one. We are going to take all Angular code from Angular2 in ASP.NET MVC & Web API – Part 1 but will generate all components, service, routers, modules, etc. through Angular CLI, so if you are new to Angular 2/4, I would recommend going through this article. Also, we will update our service to talk to Expressjs APIs for User Management that are pointing to MongoDB on mLab website we created in Part 1.

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MEAN Stack with Angular 4, Auth0 Auth & JWT Authorization – Part 3

In previous articles, we developed the Expressjs APIs for User Management with MongoDB database on mLab website and Angular client application talking to Express APIs and providing the views to Load, Add, Update and Delete users.

In this article, we will enhance our application and add Authentication and Authorization using Auth0 client and JWT .i.e. a user must need to login to perform CRUD operation on User Management page and Expressjs APIs should only be accessible to the trustable source that we will achieve through JWT, the Angular client will send some hashed string with all HTTP requests, that would be verified on Epxressjs end.

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Yaseer Mumtaz

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